Back to School and Work From Home Tips!

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Some info shared from :

Posted at 09:59h in Home Ergonomics by themaestro

With nearly 55 million children homeschooling due to COVID-19, and reports of this continuing for some time, children are spending more time on the computer, tablets and phones to get their work done.   Creating work spaces for everyone that are comfortable and ergonomically sound is a key for physical health, focus and productivity.

1.   Create a Dedicated Work-Study Spaces  – It is crucial to create  dedicated spaces for your child to take their online lessons and study.  This is especially challenging during COVID-19, where your entire family is at home and you, yourself may be struggling to find a spot to claim for your work.  Creating different spaces around the house can be helpful.  Ideal if each person can have 1 spot where they can keep their materials organized but different locations to move to and work at throughout the days.

2. Navigating Shared Work Spaces – If your child is sharing their workspace with other members of your household, make sure to set a schedule, so everyone knows when it is their turn to work in the space.   It is also important to take into account that each person using the workspace may be a different age and size, and plan accordingly.

3. Desk Size and Height – If your child is small, it is best if you can set them up with a child-size desk that is appropriate for their age and height.  (See below for tips to determine the right height for the desk)   If your budget allows, getting a height-adjustable desk is best so that you can adjust the height of the desk as they grow.   This is also very helpful if your child is sharing a desk with other household members.

4. Sitting (& Standing) – Changing positions is great for bodies and minds.  This breaks up some of the repetitive stress.  We encourage finding ways that your child can switch between sitting and standing. Healthy posture is a key factor in the ergo equation.  It is best to get a chair that is the appropriate height for your child.  This includes a chair that allows their feet to be on the floor and provides support for their back.  If your child is using an adult size chair and an adult size desk, you can use pillows for back support and as a way to “shrink” the chair.  If their feet are dangling, you can easily provide support placing a box, books or a step stool under their feet.  Sitting on chairs or balance balls.

When standing while they work, anti-fatigue mats can be helpful.

Remind them to alternate between sitting and standing.  The balance balls and disc cushions are also nice for stretching and exercises, which can help with focus and also.

And whether they are sitting or standing, encourage them to sit and stand with a healthy, upright posture when doing computer work.

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Our Best Chair Recommendations!

Wobble chair

Balance ball chair kids size 

Balance ball weighted  varying sizes

Disc cushions

5. Laptops & Tablets – In general, laptops pose ergonomic challenges due to the fact that the screen height is not adjustable. Depending on your child’s size, using a laptop on the desktop may not be an issue if the screen is large and not too far below eye level.  But the best set up is to prop the laptop on a laptop riser (or books, box etc.) or plug it into an external monitor.  In addition, if the laptop is raised or an external monitor is used, it is important to also use an external keyboard and mouse.

If a tablet is used, then it is best to prop up the tablet and use with an external keyboard.

Last but not least, if your child uses their laptop or tablet on the couch or in bed, using a lap desk (homemade or store-bought) will help them sit in a healthy position.

6. Keyboard and Mouse – It is best to place your child’s keyboard directly in front of them and at or slightly below their elbow height.   Their upper arm should be able to hang vertically so that their elbows fall directly under their shoulders with their elbows close to their sides.  The mouse should be level with their keyboard and within close reach.  If you see their arms stretched out to type or mouse, help them bring their keyboard and mouse closer to them.

7. Monitors – Whether your child is using their laptop screen, tablet or an external monitor, it is best to have the screen propped up and positioned directly in front of them, about an arm’s distance away and slightly below eye level.  This can be accomplished by raising the screen height with a monitor or laptop risers or placing the screen on books, a box, a small crate or whatever else is flat and stable.

8. Headphones – If your child is using headphones while they take their online lessons, watch videos or listen to music, it’s best for their developing ears to use over the ear headphones (vs. earbuds), preferably with noise-canceling features.   Teach them how to check in on their volume levels and strive to have them set at 60% volume or lower. For an upgrade, we recommend air tube headsets from Defender Shield to reduce EMF exposure.

9. Lighting – If possible, set your child’s work area up near a window for natural light, but perpendicular to your windows to avoid glare on their screens.  If there’s not enough lighting in their workspace, a task lamp can be used to provide more light.  If your child complains of eye strain, you can adjust the contrast levels on their screens and make sure they are clean.

Make sure to set phones, tablets and monitors to reduce blue light exposure.  There is a lot research indicating the impact of blue light on impacting eye health and sleep/circadium rhythms.  Latest research is now showing the impact that has on many things, including energy, obesity and diabetes, mental health, etc.

10. Frequent Breaks – Encouraging your child to take regular breaks throughout their school day will go a long way at keeping them in tip-top shape, both physically and mentally.

Health Tips:

1.  Plan out the week.  Keep your kitchen stocked with easy, healthy foods.  We find it’s really helpful to get the kids involved, at all ages.  Have a simple talk about family goals around staying healthy and food being your fuel.  Everyone should pick at least 1 breakfast, lunch, snack and dinner for the week.  Set the criteria that they need to include a protein, fat and as many colors as possible (fruits and veggies not food dyes 😊).  See links if you need inspiration.

2. Minimize junk food around the house, everyone benefits from this one.  Teens, especially can crave fast, carbs and get in the habit of grabbing packaged “snack” foods.  If they aren’t there, guess what?  If there are favorites, pick the healthiest version and have them around occasionally vs. as a staple.  For example, my kids chips, we choose brands that are non-gmo and organic and dip them in some healthy guacamole or salsas!

3. Keep everyone hydrated!  Make sure everyone in the house has a favorite water bottle and fills it up to start the day! Determine how many bottle a day is best for them.  On Average, we need at least ½ our weight in ounces of clean water daily.  We also love the Organo beverages, these daily habit drinks infused with the superfood, ganoderma, are actually hydrating and can many know health benefits, including help with focus!


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