Foundational Physical

We chose eight of our most informative tests and paired them with 1:1 guidance to ensure success. This is a 3 month individualized journey with specific action taken based on your test results and your health goals.

It is essential to consider ‘where’ to focus. For example, daily habits should be constructive to our health to help us grow and heal rather than break us down. It is just as important to understand what is happening inside of each of us. Meaning, how are we actually handling our stressors, are we beginning to show signs of wear and tear or are we nearing exhaustion? Understanding where we can let go, rebuild or simply maintain our resilience is essential for our health. So what is included?

Vitamin D & Omega 3 Profile Testing

Foundational markers should not be overlooked. Your Omega 3 and Vitamin D levels are related to optimal health. According to research, people with lower Vitamin D levels have an increased risk for poor immune function, some mental disorders, some cancers, and Type 2 Diabetes. Omega 3 fats are linked to supporting and improving many systems of the body. Here are a few examples; mental disorders, eye health, blood pressure, heart health, tissue flexibility as well as systemic anti-inflammatory activity. When your Omega 3 index is higher, you have less risk for disease. These types of fats are called ‘essential fats’ because your body CANNOT make them, therefore we rely on supplementation and dietary sources such as, fish, nuts/seeds, some fruits and cooking oils. We use simple blood tests to measure these foundational health markers.

Male/Female Stress & Sex Hormone Testing

Our modern-day world can easily overwhelm our body’s and create a variety of imbalances. One key area is our stress response, this ongoing daily response is often sending us AND keeping us in our ‘Fight or Flight’ response. This can often lead to fatigue, mood swings and sleep disturbances. Along with overwhelming our stress response, over the past 20 years in our clinical practice, we also see more and more conditions related to sex hormone imbalance. Whether is related to breast development in men, infertility, period symptoms or pre/post-menopausal complaints. These imbalances are also major risk factors in hormone-based cancers such as prostate, breast, ovarian and uterine cancer

Gastrointestinal Function & Permeability Testing

Gastrointestinal symptoms have become so common, many people often think they are ‘normal’. Albeit common, bloating, gas, cramping, loose stools, or constipation are symptoms letting you know something is not in balance. Other symptoms such as autism, anxiety and depressive behaviors are ALSO related to functional imbalances in the intestinal system via the two-way pathway referred to as the Gut-Brain-Axis.

We utilize 2 tests from Genova Diagnostics: the 3-day stool test and the Intestinal Permeability test. This comprehensive approach provides a functional picture of your nutrient absorption, digestive process, balance of gut bacteria (good & bad) as well as the integrity of the intestinal lining. It allows you to clearly see what areas are needing support, allowing you focus your treatment with these finding to ensure success.

Multi-Pathway Food & Chemical Sensitivity Test

Foods are a daily habit which should be nutrient dense and ‘constructive’, meaning our foods should be helping us make more energy, repair injured tissues, nourish us as a WHOLE! Knowing for certain which foods are ‘constructive’ and which foods are ‘destructive’ is essential. Food Sensitivities affect more than 100 million people worldwide. They are very difficult to identify because the symptoms can be systemic and can be delayed up to 72 hours after eating. We have found the F.I.T. test from KBMO diagnostics to be the most precise with a simple finger prick blood test. This patented multi-pathway delayed food sensitivity test measures YOUR Immunoglobulin G & Immune Compliment to 176 different foods and additives. This will ELIMINATE any guesswork.

Bio-Impedance Assessment

A Bio-Impedance Assessment (BIA) is a simple effective test that is easy to perform and is reproducible. This test is used in many chronically ill cases.

Why we use this test:

  1. Survivability

  2. Progress tracking

  3. Protocol ‘tweaks’ to meet your health goals

Whether your path is surviving a disease, working on weight loss, or somewhere in between. This test adds value in a cost effective manner.