Prenatal Chiropractic Care
Prenatal Care
Our approach includes hands on therapies and education, which help the woman adapt to the changes her body goes through during pregnancy. Structural changes and associated symptoms which may occur during pregnancy include: increased curve of the low back, changes in center of gravity, alteration of gait and “flattening” of feet, increased laxity in joints (especially pelvis and low back), mid-back pain related to increased breast size and postural changes, hip pain, pain when rising from a seated/lying position, and sciatica.
Optimal uterine position is ideal for preventing in-utero constraint on the growing fetus and for safer, easier labor and deliveries. If all the uterine ligaments are not in balance as the uterus expands, it can tilt or tip causing the cervix to be mis-aligned with the center of the vaginal canal. This can present itself in the following ways:
Groin and/or anterior thigh pain, which may cause women to have to “take a break” from walking or activity
Abnormal pressure on the cervix causing pre-mature labor (with bed-rest, the uterus drops back and contractions stop)
Tipped uterus, which presents as lower abdominal pressure and cramping during pregnancy (if the uteruine ligaments are not balanced, back pain during labor and delivery may occur)
Maternal rib pain or hip pain
The muscles of the pelvic floor are key stabilization muscles creating core strength. During pregnancy their role is increased due to the increased stress of carrying the baby. It is extremely important for the pelvic floor muscles to be balanced throughout the pregnancy. If the piriformis muscles are too tight bilaterally, the mother will complain of a tight band of pain across her low back. If only one side is tight, sciatic nerve pain may occur on the opposite side. She may complain of pubic bone pain, cramping above the pubic area, and possibly difficult urination when the pelvic floor muscles are not balanced.
Through our hands-on approach, we work to restore balance to the women’s ever-changing structures. Using a variety of low-force adjusting techniques, we help restore and maintain normal motion in the joints throughout the spine and pelvis. This removes any nerve irritation or interference that may be occurring as the mother’s body adapts to her growing baby. We also use a combination of myofascial release, cranial-sacral therapy, soft tissue techniques, and stretches to further support and balance the involved ligaments and muscles.
A wide variety of presentations walk into our office. Most commonly, we work with: low back and groin pain related to pregnancy, sciatica, heartburn, carpal tunnel presentation, headaches, hip pain, difficulty with gait and associated foot/ankle pain, mid-back pain/stiffness. We are trained in the Webster Technique for helping breech babies turn on their own. This is done by restoring balance to the structures mentioned above. Helping the uterus be in proper position gives the baby the best chance he/she needs to position on its own, assuming that no other conditions such as a shortened cord, a disposition placenta, etc. are present.
Chiropractic care before and during pregnancy is an essential element of our prenatal care choices. Obstetrical texts report that difficult labors are caused by pelvic imbalances and its resulting effects on your uterus and the baby’s position. Care at Lake Pointe Chiropractic & Wellness restores balance to your pelvic muscles and ligaments which leads to easier births with fewer interventions such as pitocin, forceps, vacuum extractions and cesarean sections. Chiropractic adjustments not only reduce physical aches and pains, they remove interference on your nervous system allowing your uterus to function at maximal potential, and your baby to get into an optimal position for birth. This supports safer, and more satisfying labor and deliveries.
Webster Technique
This chiropractic technique helps to correct sacral misalignment, balance pelvic muscles and ligaments, which in turn removes tension and torsion of specific pelvic muscles and ligaments. It is these tense muscles and ligaments and their aberrant effect on the uterus which may prevent the baby from comfortably assuming the best possible position for birth.
Dr. Carrie Getzmier, Dr. Rebecca Adamek Peckels and Dr. Marea Lundstrom are certified in the Webster Technique, which is commonly utilized when in-utero position presents as breech or transverse.