Deep Dive: Clean Water

Clean water is safe, healthier, and always tastes better. We can offer an affordable, effective solution for your home or office.

At the city level, regulatory protocols and processes exist to clean and sanitize water supply as a broad stroke to ensure our drinking water is free of obvious contaminants. Treatment plants typically use sedimentation and filtration processes to remove dirt, sand, and other sediment particles that can make water cloudy. Other cleansing processes include chlorination and UV light treatments to eliminate harmful microorganisms like bacteria (like E. coli), viruses, and protozoa (e.g., Giardia and Cryptosporidium).

These filtration steps are needed, but they can come with consequences. Chlorine used to disinfect water can possibly form byproducts like trihalomethanes (THMs). Studies in Europe associated long-term exposure to high levels of THMs in European drinking water with an increased risk of cancer (especially bladder cancer) and potential reproductive issues. Haloacetic Acids (HAAs) are also formed when chlorine interacts with organic matter in water; chronic exposure to HAAs has been linked to potential developmental and reproductive issues, as well as an increased risk of cancer.

Cities do well at their water treatment, but notable concerns along the way have warranted special attention. If unaddressed, exposure to the aforementioned disinfection by-products may lead to health concerns in your home. Additionally, groundwater reserves aren’t always safe from contamination plumes.

What you can do

Let’s break this down a little further.

Due to various factors, water can accumulate contaminants as it travels from the city source to your home. At the source, city municipal treatment plants work to eliminate most harmful substances. From the city holding tanks, the treated water must travel through an extensive network of pipes to reach homes. Aging or poorly-maintained infrastructure can introduce contaminants like rust, lead, or other metals from corroding pipes. Additionally, cracks or leaks in the system can allow external pollutants, such as bacteria, chemicals, or dirt, to infiltrate the water supply.

Urban and city activities also contribute to water contamination risks — runoff from industrial areas, agricultural fields, and lawn care chemicals can pose risks to community water contamination. Construction sites can ‘leak’ chemicals into local water systems, potentially introducing pesticides, oils, or heavy metals. In 2016, more than 188 million pounds of glyphosate, a weed-controlling herbicide, were used on midwestern farms.

Cities’ treatment facilities are often quick to act, but within the last 20 years, Edina and St. Louis Park have experienced groundwater contamination along the Highway 100 corridor. (Read more of Edina’s report here.) Even after municipal treatment, water can accumulate additional impurities on its way to your home. This is why a home water filtration system ensures water remains safe and clean at the point of use.

Meet Water Marque

At Lake Pointe, we treat our tap water with a filtration system from Water Marque, a 35+ year veteran in water filtration. Water Marque filters utilize patented Kinetic Degradation Fluxion (KDF) technology paired with a Granular Carbon Filter specifically designed for use in residential and commercial settings ‘downstream ‘ of the city water supply.

While Water Marque offers a range of filtration products, we specifically enjoy and recommend their easy-install under-sink unit (whose replaceable filter lasts three years or 15,000 gallons under normal use) and shower heads (with replaceable filter lasting every 3-6 months or 10,000 gallons of water under normal use). For those looking for a more aggressive filtration system, Water Marque offers a whole-home unit (lasting one year or 75,000 gallons under normal use before filter replacement).

Whether an under-sink filter for drinking or a whole-house unit serves your needs best, Water Marque’s patented filter system is one of the most effect, affordable, and time-proven units available.

Interested in more information about Water Marque units? Schedule a complimentary phone consult with one of our practitioners for more and to learn if a filter is right for you.


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