S.I.B.O. is short for ‘Small Intestinal Bacteria Overgrowth’. In a healthy GI system, our bacteria DO NOT belong in our small intestines. They migrate here due to reasons of malabsorption, sluggish muscles, faulty valves, imbalance of gut bacteria and many other causes.

Keeping it simple, bacteria are gathering in the ‘wrong neighborhood’

This is grossly underdiagnosed, therefore often mistreated. The problem is when the bacteria eat the foods we eat, they produce high amounts of gas. Typically two different gases are produced; methane and/or hydrogen. These gases give you the distended, bloated uncomfortable feeling.

Testing confirms your condition as well as offers insight to the kind of gas that is your primary problem. Treatment plans can vary depending on test results and level of involvement. If you are looking for relief, look no further!

Even though this condition is uncomfortable and complicated, the testing is simple. We start with a simple breath test which is done in the comfort of your home. 

Test Type: Breath (at home)

Test Price: $189

(recommend 30-45 minute consult to review results)


Gut Health


Toxin Exposure