Comprehensive GI Health

The GI system has amazing super powers! Did you know you have over 100 trillion ‘Bugs” in your gut? These microbes outnumber our human cells ten to one! Our GI system is considered our 2nd brain, via the bidirectional GUT-BRAIN Axis. This means, the integrity of our GI system is directly related to our mental health. It also means when we are stressed, anxious or depressed, our GI health is negatively affected as well. Other factors of your GI system is the overall integrity affects not only your tummy, but your WHOLE BODY. Assessing the lining of your GI system for ‘leaks’, capacity to function as well as the health of the bacteria (aka - microbiome) are critical for proper function & whole body health (including our brains).

Many factors are involved with our overall GI health. Simply put, inflammatory foods, stress exposure, medications, NSAIDS, underlying infections, toxin exposure such as chemicals in cleaners, detergents, ‘garage’ chemicals, even molds. These exposures also include, self care products, cosmetics as well as plastics and grocery packaging (i.e. phtalates, BPA).

The above factors can not only influence brain chemistry, it can damage the microbiome, destroy the ‘seal’ between our cells. It can decrease our ability to absorb critical nutrients and even damage our cells themselves.

Because our gut is our 2nd brain, the opportunity for testing is vast. Depending on your health needs, we have you covered.

Two common tests regarding gut health are…

  1. Intestinal Permeability test (a.k.a. Leaky Gut)

  2. Stool Testing with GI Effects

Depending on your story and health history, we may recommend additional testing. Thankfully we are able to thoroughly evaluate the gastrointestinal system’s function with simple blood, saliva, urine and stool tests.


Food & Chemical Sensitivities

