Pool Protection

Summer time = pool time and pool time can equal being exposed to high amounts of chlorine.

Chlorine is great for killing bacteria, and germs but it can have a harmful affect on your body! Not only does chlorine cause irritation to the eyes and skin, it has been linked to respiratory issues such as asthma and liquid in the lungs, bladder infections, and more.

See below for our top tips for protecting against chlorine in swimming pools this summer!

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Here are a few recommendations for protecting against chlorine when spending a lot of time in the pool:

  1. Vitamin C - Neutralizes chlorine and chloramines, which is a wonderful thing. 

    We recommend Xcellent C by Xymogen: *3000mg per day: 1500mg at breakfast and 1500mg at dinner.

  2. Vitamin E - Protects cells from toxicity. We recommend Xcellent E by Xymogen *30mg per day

  3. ALA - Alpha Lipoic Acid is an antioxidant that protects the liver and really good for anyone in pools.
    We recommend Alamax CR by Xymogen *4-600mg per day

  4. Probiotics - Chlorine kills bacteria, including what's in the gut.  Eat fermented foods daily and/or take a high quality probiotic. We recommend Orthobiotic Capsules by Orthomolecular *1 capsule/day

  5. Iodine - Chlorine displaces essential nutrients such as iodine that are very important for thyroid and ovary function. Consume iodine-rich foods such as farm fresh eggs, wild caught fish, sea vegetable and iodized salt to replenish. Xymodine by Xymogen is another great supplement option!

High amounts of chlorine can also be found in drinking water, which is why we always recommend a high quality water filter like this one from Water Marque.


Flex Your Happy Muscles!


Do you struggle with any of these 8 symptoms?  If yes, consider taking the  Dutch Test.