Hormone Health

Hormones are obviously important to our overall health and vitality. A few options may include our Organic Acid Test (OAT test) from Great Plains laboratory, Toxic Chemical/Mold Testing with Genova Diagnostics as well as the DUTCH test from Precision Analytical.

Understanding what to focus on may be your missing link.

There are 2 major factors here:

  1. Known hormone disrupters

  2. Learning HOW your body is using and clearing hormones

What can we do about it?

Traditional blood testing is often used to measure sex hormones which is actually part of the problem, it only tells you the amount of the hormone at that moment. A couple of key differences with DUTCH testing is you are able to see ’how you make’, ‘how you use’  as well as ‘how you clear’ these hormones.  Additionally the OAT testing will shown possible build up of disrupting compounds. This functional look into your hormones is essential to help understand where and how to support yourself. This symphony of hormones plays multiple roles for both men and women. Whether this is your first step into understanding your hormones or you are looking for a fresh start on your journey to better health, we are here to support you.



Foundational Physical


Cardio-Metabolic Health